Sierra Leone is a small country in West Africa, their located in the Atlantic Ocean coast, exactly. This republic country is bordered by Guinea in the north, Liberia in the southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean in the southwest.

Sierra Leone is a country in the African continent with an area around 71 million KM or only about 4 % of the territory of Indonesia. The country which got independence on April, 27th 1961 is populated by approximately 6 million people.

The country that had a population of 6,190,280 is the 96th country in the world which has the Law of the Right to get information, exactly around October last year the country have authorizing this law.

Even so, the achievement of information openness in this country has been quite enough. Law of Rights to access the information in Sierra Leone has been ranked the 5th for the strongest country in the world with a score of 124 points. It was released by the Centre of Law and Democracy (CLD). While Indonesia, which has previously got independence and had regulations of public disclosure Law no.14 of 2008, only ranked at 25th.

“What makes Right on Information in Sierra Leone is in the 5th rank is the scope of openness which is facilitated by the Regulation was very wide, where the public can access all of information, not only from the public institution but private too. In addition, the things that makes strong the Right on Information in Sierra Leone is a step of strong promotion of a strong and rated to be an important part of the success of law implementation”, said Ari Setiawan, one of the activists on information openness in Indonesia.

Sierra Leone merupakan negara di benua Afrika dengan luas wilayah sekitar 71 juta KM atau hanya sekitar 4% luas wilayah negara Indonesia. Negara yang merdeka pada 27 April 1961  ini dihuni oleh sekitar 6 juta orang punduduk.

Negara yang mempunyai jumlah penduduk sebesar 6.190.280 ini merupakan negara ke-96 di dunia yang memiliki Undang-undang Hak Atas Informasi, tapatnya tahun lalu sekitar bulan Oktober Negara tersebut mengesahkannya.

Meskipun begitu, prestasi keterbukaan informasi di negara ini sudah cukup gemilang. Undang-undang Hak Atas Informasinya di Negara Sierra Leone ini telah masuk peringkat Ke-5 rangking Undang-undang Hak Atas Informasi terkuat di dunia yang dirilis oleh Center for Law and Democracy (CLD) dengan skor 124 poin. Sementara Indonesia yang telah dahulu merdeka dan telah dahulu memiliki Undang-Undang keterbukaan informasi publik yakni UU No. 14 tahun 2008, Hanya mampu menempati rangking ke 25.

“Yang membuat Undang-undang Hak atas Informasi di Sierra Leone berada di rangking ke-5, salah satu kekuatan kuncinya adalah ruang lingkup keterbukaan yang difasilitasi oleh Undang-undang sangat luas, dimana masyarakat bisa mengakses segala jenis informasi tidak hanya dari Badan Publik melainkan dari Swasta juga. Selain itu yang membuat kuat Undang-undang Hak atas Informasi di Sierra Leone adalah langkah promosi yang kuat dan dianggap menjadi bagian penting dari kesuksesan pelaksanaan UU tersebut” ucap Ari Setiawan, salah satu pegiat keterbukaan informasi di Indonesia.