9 October 2013

Former civil servant Ari Widodo has filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Finance’s Tax Directorate General for firing him without any clear season to the Central Information Commission (KI).

The trial held on Monday (7/10) at Central KI Room was led by Commissioner Panel chairman John Fresly along with two members Dyah Aryani and Rumadi and attended by Ari Widodo and Tax Directorate General’s PPID. In the trial, Ari Widodo said he had submitted a request regarding the reason of his dismissal. The request consisted of 62 points.

The information included reprimand letter and other documents that stated the reasons of Ari’s dismissal. Ari didn’t receive the documents he requested, which is why he filed for information dispute at Central KI.

The Tax Directorate General said they had conducted a test of consequence which made the requested information being exempted. Kurniawan, the directorate’s representative, said the information Ari requested was exempted and private as stipulated in Article 17 of Public Information Openness Law.

He also said based on the test of consequence, according to Government Regulation no. 53 about Employee Affair, data about dismissal is confidential. The Commissioners didn’t immediately accept the argument and will conduct checking at Tax Office to confirm whether the requested information is exempted.

Source: komisiinformasi.go.id
