White Policy Paper Penguatan Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik

White Policy Paper Penguatan Implementasi Keterbukaan Informasi Publik

Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (UU KIP) dibentuk sebagai bentuk pemenuhan hak atas informasi sesuai Pasal 28F Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD 1945). Hingga tahun 2023, UU KIP telah diterapkan selama 13 tahun. Dalam kurun waktu tersebut, tujuan spesifik dan dampak-dampak dari penerapan keterbukaan informasi sebagaimana tertera dalam tujuan UU KIP belum tercapai dengan baik. Pasal 3 UU KIP menyebutkan bahwa UU ini bertujuan menjamin hak warga negara untuk mengetahui rencana pembuatan kebijakan publik, program kebijakan publik, dan proses pengambilan keputusan publik, serta alasan pengambilan suatu keputusan publik; mendorong partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pengambilan kebijakan publik; meningkatkan peran aktif masyarakat dalam pengambilan kebijakan publik dan pengelolaan badan publik yang baik; mewujudkan penyelenggaraan negara yang baik, yaitu yang transparan, efektif dan efisien, akuntabel serta dapat dipertanggungjawabkan; mengetahui alasan kebijakan publik yang mempengaruhi hajat hidup orang banyak; mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa; dan/atau meningkatkan pengelolaan dan pelayanan informasi di lingkungan badan publik untuk menghasilkan layanan informasi yang berkualitas. Dari sejumlah tujuan di atas, tujuan spesifik yang dapat dicapai melalui UU KIP adalah meningkatkan pengelolaan dan pelayanan informasi di lingkungan badan publik untuk menghasilkan layanan informasi yang berkualitas. Jika hal ini tercapai, maka diharapkan akan muncul sejumlah dampak sebagaimana tertera pada tujuan-tujuan dalam UU KIP, seperti partisipasi, berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dan lain-lain. Hasil monitoring dan evaluasi (Monev) Komisi Informasi yang memperlihatkan bahwa jumlah badan publik yang informatif masih sangat sedikit. Monev ini dilakukan dengan metode SAQ (self assessment questionnaire), pemantauan situs web, dan presentasi. Selebihnya bisa klik link berikut ini; Softfile White Policy Paper



Kontras: Public Information Access in Five Commissions Unsatisfactory

29 November 2013

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has said that public access to information of commissions, which are the National Commission on Human Rights, the Attorney Commission, the National Police Commission, the Ombudsman Commission and the Judicial Commission, is unsatisfactory.

“The implementation is still poor even though they play strategic roles in public complaints towards the institutions they oversee,” said Kontras researcher Ahmad Faisal on Tuesday (26/11/2013).

Ahmad said the implementation of the public information openness law (UU KIP) in those five state commissions is still not according to the mandate. The five commissions tend to neglect requests for information and have no standard operating procedure to determine exempted information.

Information openness in the five commissions is crucial as they work according to complaints from the public. Non-transparency will hamper the performances of the five commissions.

Therefore, Kontras recommended the five commissions to set internal regulations regarding public information services, fully implement those regulations, make procedure on exempted information and adjust their websites.


Supreme Court: 81 Courts Have Not Published Verdicts

31 January 2014

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Supreme Court secretary said there are still 81 courts that have not actively published their verdicts through the Supreme Court’s website. “Most of them are from big cities, such as Jakarta,” he said on Saturday (25/1/2014).

He further said around 89 percent of 819 courts have published their verdicts on the website.

According to Soeroso, in order to encourage courts to publish their verdicts, the Supreme Court will require courts to send their verdict files in soft copies, instead the usual hard copies.

Soeroso added that he would hold a meeting with court chiefs in Jakarta and West Java to provide guidance on publishing their verdicts.

The Supreme Court in late 2013 announced 98 courts that had not published their verdicts, with most of them were general and religious courts.

Meanwhile, military and state administration courts’ participation reached 100 percent.

Source: kompas.com


KPU to Assists Political Parties Draft Campaign Fund Report

3 December 2013

The General Elections Commission (KPU) is ready to assist 2014 elections participants in drafting reports for opening campaign fund account and bookkeeping of campaign fund expenditure. For that purpose, KPU has established help desk in every level from cities to provinces.

“Political parties that want to consult can come to local KPU office. The officers there will provide explanation about the system and mechanism for reporting campaign fund,” said KPU member Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah as reported by VIVAnews on Tuesday, 3 December 2013.

Ferry called for all KPU in provinces and cities to give excellent consultation services for political parties. All of the staff must be able to provide detailed explanations.

“Campaign fund reporting is one of the most important parts in campaign activities,” said Ferry. Political parties’ compliance to reporting campaign funds during campaign will increase public trust towards elections.

Transparent and accountable campaign fund management will also contribute to increasing voters’ participation. “The efforts to increase voters’ participation to 75 percent come from both elections organizers and political parties,” said Ferry.

He said campaign fund account must be separated from political party’s account so that it will be easier for political parties to manage their campaign funds. Political parties are also obligated to provide reports of spending and receipt of funds from all legislative candidates.

“Therefore, political parties must inform their legislative candidates at the beginning because one mistake from one legislative candidate will affect all campaign fund reporting system,” said Ferry.

Source: Viva


Kemenpora: PSSI Must be Transparent

20 November 2014

Jakarta, KebebasanInformasi.org – The Youth and Sport Ministry (Kemenpora) has called for the Indonesian Soccer Association (PSSI) to be transparent in their financial reports as stipulated in the Public Information Openness Law (UU KIP).

“According to Law No. 14/2008 about public information openness, public bodies are institutions or groups that receive funds from the state budget,” said Kemennpora spokesperson Yusup Suparman as quoted by merdeka.com.

“If PSSI received budget to conduct training to improve Indonesia’s soccer, then PSSI must make transparent and accountable report of the use of the budget,” said Yusup.

According to Yusup, in 2014, Kemenpora allocated Rp125 million PSI. However, PSSI has not made any fund request to Kemenpora.

The Indonesian Supporters Discussion Forum (PSSI) echoed Kemenpora’s statement and even went further by suing PSSI to the Central Information Commission regarding documents that consist of contracts between PSSI and television stations, details of recipient and use of broadcasting rights by U-19 national team from 2012 to 2014, management of broadcasting rights and sponsorship and how many tickets that PSSI have printed for AFF U-19 Cup, Pre-Asia U-19 Cup 2013 and U-19 Archipelago Tour 2014.

They also demanded transparency of income from U-23 national team’s sponsorship, financial and audit reports of PSSI from 2005 to 2013 and PSSI Congress from 2005 to 2014.



SOS Opens Information Request Post to Request Information to PSSI

24 January 2011

TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta – The Save Our Soccer (SOS) Coalition has opened a public complaint post to as for information from the Indonesian Soccer Association (PSSI). The requests then will be collected to obtain report on AFF Cup ticket management and PSSI’s financial audit report in the last six years since 2005.

“SOS will facilitate people by opening information post,” said Indonesia Corruption Watch deputy coordinator Emerson Juntho on Friday, 7 January 2011.

So far, thousands of requests have been gathered at the post. “We believe the number will be a lot more. We will gather support from a lot of people,” said Emerson.

The post will be open until next week. Within that period, SOS will visit the parliament and some mass organizations to gather more massive support.

After gathering enough supports, SOS will give the requests to PSSI. “I hope there is no obstacle so that we can submit the requests to PSSI at Gelora Bung Karno,” said Emerson.

One of the reasons why PSSI must open access to information is because the management of last AFF Cup ticket management was a mess. When unrest issued due to people wanting to buy tickets, PSSI gave free AFF tickets to several officials.
